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Showing posts from April, 2021


Welcome to Knowledge Factory. Open or click on the logo or symbol of knowledge factory. Then you will go to the one PDF file.  In that PDF file so many link of books. NCERT BOOKS. class 11 and class 12 . Then, now. Enjoy. .

The living world. ( biology class 11) Quiz.

 Living world Quiz. Solve it and enjoy. Click on logo of knowledge Factory. And solve Quiz.

Quadratic Equation.

                       * Standard: 10th ● Subject: Mathematics * * Unit Test ● Chapter 2: Quadratic Equation*                        Marks: 20                                                                                      Time: 1 hour ...................................................................................................................................................................... Q.1(A) Choose the correct option from the alternatives given below.                                                         2 1) Comparing the equation p (3 + 6p) = -5 with a๐‘ฅ2 + bx + c = 0, find the value of c A) 3                      B) - 5                   C) 5                       D) −6 2) For the equations 2๐‘ฅ2– 4x – 3 = 0 the value of discriminant is ------ A) - 40                        B) 40                        C) - 8                  D) 8 (B) Solve the following sub questions.                                                                                               

Linear Equation in two variable . (Question paper )

                        * Standard: 10 th ● Subject: Mathematics *            * Unit Test ● Chapter 1: Linear Equations * Marks: 20                                                                                        Time: 1 hour ............................................................................................................................. Q.1(A) Choose the correct option from the alternatives given below.                   2 1.           1.  To solve x + y = 3 ; 3 x - 2 y - 4 = 0 by determinant method find D. (A) 5             (B) 1              (C) - 5                (D) - 1       2. ax + by = c and mx + ny = d and an ¹ bm then these simultaneous          equations have -              (A) Only one common solution.                       (B) No solution.              (C) Infinite number of solutions.                       (D) Only two solutions.   (B) Solve the following sub questions.                                                                

Science part 1 MCQs Question Bank.

  Science part 1 MCQs Question Bank. All MCQs are available.  If you want answer sheet of this MCQs then contact me on any social media. Que 1: Choose the correct option in the multiple choice answer for the following questions:- ( 1 mark each) 1) A ……. Is necessary to change the speed as well as the direction of motion of an object. a) force b) inertia c) momentum d) motion 2) The orbit of a planet revolving around a star is …… a) circular b) linear c) towards the focal point d) elliptical 3)The square of its period of revolution around the sun is directly proportional to the ……….. of the mean distance of a planet from the sun. a) square b) square root c) cube d) cube root 4) The gravitational force between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of the masses of those bodies and is ……….of the distance between them. a) inversely proportional to the square b) directly proportional to the square c) inversely proportional to the cube d) inversely proportional to the square roo

Science part 1 Odd man out banks.

 Science part 1 odd man out banks. all odd man out available. If you want answer of that so contact me. 1. F , K , Cl , I 2. Lithium, Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium 3. Beryllium, Helium, Neon, Argon 4. Gallium, Scandium, Germanium, Calcium 5. Boron, Arsenic, Germanium, Gallium 6. Dobereiner, Newland, Mendeleev, Moseley 7. Fluorine, Boron, Bromine, Chlorine 8. Carbon, Calcium, Oxygen, Neon 9. Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Beryllium 10. Beryllium, Magnesium, Carbon, Oxygen 11. Voltmeter, Ammeter, Galvanometer, Electric motor 12. Loud speaker, Magnet, Microphone, Electric motor 13. Fuse wire, bad conductor, Rubber gloves, Generator 14. Tungsten, Nichrome, Aluminium, Iron 15. Boiler, Electric stove, Electric bulb, Electric bell 16. Temperature, Conduction, Convection, Radiation 17. cal/g, cal/g°C, Kcal/Kg°C, erg/g°C 18. Joule, erg, Calorie, Newton 19. Rainbow, Earthquake, Sunset, Sunrise 20. Focal length, Radius of curvature, Image distance, Size of Image 21. Simple Microscope, Compound mic